Porsche And Michelin Team Up To Support Indonesian Rubber Plantation Farmers Through The CASCADE Project

Oct 15, 2021 | Faces & Happenings

Porsche and Michelin are championing the sustainable extraction of natural rubber by committing to provide transparency and better working conditions in the extraction of raw materials as demonstrated by the CASCADE (Committed Actions for Smallholders Capacity Development) project. 

The long-term partners are supporting Sumatran small plantation farmers in the extraction of rubber through education and training on cultivation practices, biodiversity and work safety with the aim of achieving long-term improvements in the living conditions and economic situations of Indonesian smallholders. 

(Photo Courtesy: Porsche)

Indonesia is one of the world’s most important rubber production regions. Through a specially developed app, Porsche and Michelin were able to identify risks to the sustainability of the supply chain in rubber extraction and by conducting discussions with market participants in the area.

“CASCADE is an example of Michelin’s commitment to a sustainable natural rubber supply chain that protects the environment and improves livelihoods,” says Hélène Paul, Senior Vice President, Chief Procurement Officer at Michelin. “We are happy to be working with Porsche on this ambitious project. For almost 20 years, we have enjoyed a close partnership in the tyre business, which we are now also expanding to the area of sustainability.”

(Photo Courtesy: Porsche)

CASCADE, which will initially run until 2024, is one of the first support projects in the world to start at the lowest level of the natural rubber supply chain. It aims to see 1,000 smallholders be trained by local partners to make extraction methods more environmentally compatible and efficient, making a considerable contribution to the lasting improvement of living conditions of smallholders and their families. Porsche and Michelin will be investing around one million euros into the project.

Source: Porsche

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