Top 10 Team

Dato’ R. Rajendran is the Chief Executive Officer of RHA Media and has a flair and passion for publishing works. His experience in the industry and corporate world is a boon to the quality and excellence of the Top 10 of Malaysia, bringing to light Malaysia’s best of industries and personalities.

Lee Seng Chee has vast knowledge in the area of publishing and editorial works. His experience in managing people and the results in these areas is a great advantage as he has wide interests in many areas of commerce, banking, education, manufacturing, trade, culture and social sectors. With his rich experience in editorial services he is the managing editor of Top 10 Malaysia.

Dr Thomas Chong is a Singaporean national who serves as the International Advisor for Top 10 of Malaysia, Top 10 of Asia, and RHA Media Sdn Bhd. With a fellowship from Stanford University under his belt, he has a track record of introducing innovative computer-based curricula and occupying crucial positions within both the private and public domains. Dr. Chong’s exceptional leadership and profound expertise stand as indispensable resources.